Marian Catholic College encourages students to be independent learners who are able to work in a flexible environment that is inquiry-driven, thought provoking, reflective, and empowering.
A learning environment not bound by location, socio-economics or ability. As a learning community, it is important to facilitate and encourage creativity, communication, flexibility, critical thinking, and collaboration throughout the teaching and learning activities at the College. This involves redefining and expanding learning opportunities beyond the traditional constraints of classroom walls and timetabled lessons to formal and informal learning experiences responsive to student needs, interests, and availability in an online environment.

Embracing digital technology in education is essential if the College is to remain culturally relevant for students and teachers. Students become the controllers of their own learning thus improving student participation, engagement, achievement and learning outcomes.
The engagement of students having their own personal device changes not only the learning environment from traditional to personal, but enhances the relational contact between students and their teacher. The teacher will no longer be the source of knowledge but the director and guide of student learning.

What devices can be used?
Marian Catholic College supports Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative for Years 7 to 12. This means that students may use a Windows or MacbookPro laptop, whilst at school, as a learning tool. The device will need to meet the specifications set out by the CSPD so that it is compatible to be connected to the CSPD wireless network
Which devices are not acceptable?
Chromebooks, iPads and phones will not be acceptable to use as a learning tool due to restrictions in running certain software applications, or the size of the device. Entry level devices are not recommended as they have poorer durability and result in a higher cost of ownership over time.
What if I already have a working device?
Students who currently have a working device, (iPad in Years 7 to 9), will not be required to purchase a new device, unless the family wishes to. Any new devices brought to school will need to meet the specifications of the CSPD network, as outlined on the next page.
What software is required?
All students already have access to the G Suite for Education, including unlimited Drive storage for Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.
Furthermore, they have access to Microsoft Office 365, and access to textbooks through an app or browser from our providers Jacaranda Plus and Education Perfect. This will still be available on any new device that they bring to school. However, in some rare cases, there may be a need to source an alternative if a particular application is not available on the new device.
Where should I purchase a device?
If a device will be purchased, it may be purchased at any retail store of the family’s choice. There is no restriction placed on purchase location.
CSPD have suppliers that devices can be purchased or financed from, at competitive prices and packages. These providers can be accessed through the CSPD BYOD Portal
If you need to register to access the providers, the Activation Code is ceobyod.
Families wishing to purchase an Apple device are able to attend an Apple store and state that they are purchasing a device for a student attending a Parramatta Catholic School. The same pricing and range from the BYOD Portal will be applicable.
Will I need insurance?
It is highly recommended that insurance, extended warranty and Apple Care is sought at the time of purchase. Insurance can be bought through your own insurance company.
Marian does not take responsibility for personal items and devices brought to school and will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Students need to be responsible for their devices and ensure its safety by encasing them in a protective case or sleeve, and storing them appropriately.
How do I connect to WiFi services?
Once the student commences, any new devices will be enrolled into our management system which will provide the device access to WiFi services. Devices currently connected to the network will continue to have access to network resources.
Is technical support provided?
Technical Support will be available to assist with connection to the network. For issues with hardware faults or specialised software, external services may need to be sought and warranty claims made by the family.
The following page details specific requirements to enrol devices onto the CSPD network.