Alicia Shaw, leader of learning (Religious education) at Marian Catholic College, Kenthurst

As the Lenten season is now upon us we at Marian Catholic College turn our minds and hearts to ‘Walking with Christ’ on his journey to Calvary.

Just as 1.3 billion Catholics across the globe are doing, we too choose to focus this time on reflection, prayer and preparation for Easter and in doing so we aim to replicate Jesus' sacrifice which often include personal sacrifices such as giving something up such as social media, chocolate or soft drinks or it may be that individuals choose to give to those in need.

Over the course of many years students and staff at Marian have generously given their time and money to support Caritas Australia in their endeavours to provide for those who are most vulnerable. Each year a theme is created with the focus for 2022 being “For all future generations” with the aim to “end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.” This theme reminds us that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working to acknowledge the human dignity of every person.

Mrs Thomas and our Mission Leaders Georgia and Charlotte have decided that this year Marian will aim to raise $2,500 for rural training schools in the Solomon Islands . The schools keep poultry for eggs as part of strengthening food security for the students and teachers. Ducks and chickens are also part of the farming and agriculture training students undertake, teaching them how to raise and manage animals. Therefore, in 2022 the Marian project compassion mascot will be the duck with every $25 raised enabling us to buy one duck for the training schools.

Marian has always been a generous community who understands the importance of supporting those in need and we encourage students to participate in our work over the course of the year beginning with Project Compassion. Information regarding how students and their families can be involved has been communicated via School Stream..

Many thanks to Mrs Thomas, the Mission Leaders and our Social Justice groups for their dedication to Project Compassion.

May you and your families have a blessed Easter season,

Ms Shaw
Leader of Learning - Religious Education.

Project Compassion flyer


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Marian Catholic College Kenthurst

Marian Catholic College Kenthurst

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